Analysis of Health Center Referral Ratio Based on Health Center Service Capability at the Meureubo Health Center, West Aceh Regency

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Teungku Nih Farisni
Yarmaliza .
Fitrah Reynaldi
Veni Nella Syahputri


Ratio, Referral, Service, Health-Center


Public health center serves as a gatekeeper in Health services. Meureubo Health Center has a high patient referral rate reached 27% in 2020 to March 2021. This study aims to analyze the referral ratio puskesmas based on the ability of puskesmas services at the Meureubo Health Center, West Aceh Regency in 2021. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. There were 8 informants in this study. The data analysis technique uses the flow of data reduction, data presentation and data verification and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the referral clinic of the Meureubo Health Center in carrying out anamnesis, physical investigations and medical supporting examinations chose the main assessment and comparative assessment with provide pre-referral action according to the case, determine the service unit for referral purposes, then emergency patients must be accompanied by medical officers from the Puskesmas until the patient receives services at the intended health facility. The puskesmas referral administrative norm based on the ability of puskesmas services at the Meureubo Health Center, West Aceh Regency in 2021 is carried out after the patient is given pre-referral action, produces patient medical records, provides informed consent (approval/rejection of referrals), forms patient referral letters, prepares transportation vehicles and wherever possible may establish communication with the referral as well as the submission of patients must be done after the completion of the administration concerned. It is recommended that the Meureubo Health Center can provide socialization to the people about the BPJS/JKN program, especially regarding the tiered referral system and regarding gatekeepers, as a result, patients can understand the referral procedure used there is.


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