Implementing research models to improve student performance and creativity Xi Ipa 2 Biological Sciences Class 5 at Ternate State High School

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Dr. Marasabessy Djukri


discovery, learning outcomes and creativity, biology.


The purpose of this study is to improve students' learning outcomes and creativity through the implementation of Discovery Learning Patterns in Public Secondary School 5 (SMA Negeri 5), Kota Ternate. Subjects taught are students of XI science class 2 (XI PBA 2) and the corresponding teachers of school subjects. Data was collected using observational techniques, audit testing and documentation. Data analysis was done by testing in each cycle and then comparing the two mean scores to determine if the study results increased.

This study is a collective action research that consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Tools used include: interview form and test questions. Research results show: 1). Kota Ternate State High School 5 (SMANegeri 5) The process of teaching innovation in mobile material is reasoning from material, organizing evidence, explaining, solving problems and conveying ideas 2) Teaching and learning activities using innovative learning improve student performance and academic performance, the average first cycle was 60%, and in the second cycle this indicator increased to 83.33%.

Therefore, the innovation learning model can be used to improve learning outcomes and creativity of eleventh graders. The results of the study of the creative ability of students of the XI 2nd grade in natural science (XI PBA 2) showed that the average grade of the students in the first cycle was 51.17%, and in the second cycle it increased by 70.50%.


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