AS LONG AS 2003, Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev with his THEORY AND PRACTICE of CAUSING / GENERATING CRISIS, predicted the GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS 2008 and all kinds of economic, currency, refugee and other crises, color revolutions, yellow revolutions

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Momtchil Dobrev- Halachev


Mafiotismus, financial crises, economic crises


Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2003 “Theory and practice of causing / generating crises, formulas and laws, patterns, caused by representatives of “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” and the deep mafia, with this practical theory, laws formulas Prince Lord prof. Momtchil Dobrev predicted the World Financial Crisis 2008 and any economic, financial, currency, refugee, crises, as well as color revolutions, yellow revolutions and others. Prince Lord prof. Momtchil Dobrev created and 2003 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “ Theory of the mafia”.


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