Will President Trump support in his next term 2025-2029 with his inaction, as he did in 2016-2020, mafia fascism in the US-controlled and colonized country of Bulgaria after the latest attempts to assassinate Prince Lord Prof. Momchil Dobrev after he filed a case under the RICO law against Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Prosecutors General Tsatsarov, Geshev, Iliev, the companies Global West, PIMK, Hirdrostroy, Vodstroy 98, and judges Valkov, Tsv Georgieva, Hr. Lazarov, Dimitrova, V. Borisova, Efremova, Tsolova, I. Dimitrov, Nedkova, Markov, G. Ivanova, T. Krasteva, T.Todorov, K.Pavlova Em.Vasileva, Baeva, Khaydukova, Chanacheva, Hristakiev, Arnauchkova - legalized the theft for zero cents, of 2.9 million cubic meters of private land mass of the Principality of the Dobrev-Halachev Dynasty” by the mafia during the government of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov- loses of 500 Mio USD for American companies

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Momtchil Dobrev- Halachev


genocide, law, mafia,, corruption, theory, finance


Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-DObreva developed 2006 “Theory of degree of democracy” and “Theory of degree of justice/injustice/” based on their practice in court, prosecutor's office, state. Prof. Momchil Dobrev created in 2003 the Theory of Corruption, "Theory of the Mafia, "Theory of Mafiaism", "Financial Banking Resource Technological Mafiaized Materialism" and based on their practice they prove that in Bulgaria there is a rule of law and that the mafia controls both the court, the prosecutor's office, and the state in Bulgaria. Prince Lord prof; Momchil Dobrev in connection with his fight with this mafia even after 9 attempts to kill him and his family since 2011, will continue to fight this maf


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