Educational Strategy Through Video Against Iron Supplements Consumption Behavior in Teenage Girls at SMKN 6 Palu

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Ketut Suarayasa
Elliyane Bangkele
Miranti .



One of the health problems in Indonesia is anemia due to iron deficiency (Iron Nutrient Anemia), especially in adolescents who have not been resolved. One of the factors causing nutritional anemia due to lack of iron intake in food consumed every day which is characterized by hemoglobin (Hb) levels below normal. This study aims to determine the effect of video education on the behavior (knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions) of consuming blood-added tablets in adolescent girls at public vocational secondary schools (SMKN) 6 Palu.

This study is a quasi-experimental design with One-group pretest-posttest design aims to assess the effect of certain treatments on a variable without a control group. Researchers also approach the approach through interviews to aspects of the intention (intention) of the important variables that cause behavior.

The results showed that there were variations in the knowledge of young women about iron supplements, which were influenced by background and opportunities to access information. There is an increase in knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms and intentions of young women based on the results of the pre-test and post-test.

Conclusion : there is an effect of education through video on the behavior of consuming iron supplements in adolescent girls at public vocational secondary schools (SMKN) 6 Palu.


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